

ESG Information Index

ESG Themes OPEN HOUSE Group’s Initiatives
EnvironmentPromoting Environmental Conservation Initiatives・Establishing the environmental policyOPEN HOUSE Group’s “Environmental Policy”
・Long-term environmental goals-
・Acquiring third-party certification of environmental data-
・Introducing an environmental management system-
Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change・Greenhouse gas emission dataEnvironmental Conservation—Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
・Energy consumption data
・Greenhouse gas reduction measures
・Identifying and responding to climate change risks-
Environmental Awareness in Products and Services・Reflecting environmental criteria in the real estate portfolio management policyEnvironmental Conservation—Promoting Green Certification Acquisition for Buildings
・Policy on acquiring green building certifications
・Track record in acquiring green building certifications
・Contributing to urban development and revitalization with a focus on environmental and social issuesProducts That Contribute to Solving Social Issues
Environmental Conservation—Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Products
・Providing products with a low environmental impactEnvironmental Conservation—Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Resource Recycling and Waste Reduction・Waste reduction, and recycling rate goalsEnvironmental Conservation—Waste Reduction and Resource Recycling
・Track record in waste emission volume, and recycling rate
・Initiatives in waste reduction
・Water use Environmental Conservation—Approach to Water Use
Hazardous Material Management and Pollution Prevention・Appropriate management of hazardous materialsEnvironmental Conservation—Hazardous Material Management and Pollution Prevention
・Preventing environmental accidents
Preserving Biodiversity・Biodiversity policy-
・Evaluating the effects of and preservation activities for biodiversity-
SocialRespecting Human Rights・Human rights policyOPEN HOUSE Group’s “Human Rights Policy”
OPEN HOUSE Group’s Employee Code of Conduct (Japanese version only)
・Implementing human rights due diligence-
・Establishing a hotline for consultations and reportsRespecting Human Rights—Consultation and Reporting Hotline
Compliance—Consultation and Reporting Hotline
・Initiatives in respecting human rightsRespecting Human Rights
・Prohibition of workplace discrimination, harassment, etc.OPEN HOUSE Group’s “Human Rights Policy”
OPEN HOUSE Group’s Employee Code of Conduct (Japanese version only)
Labor Practices・Policy on labor practicesTalent Development and Labor Practices
・Respecting collective bargaining rights, holding labor-management dialogues, and percentage of employees in labor unionsRespecting Human Rights—Labor-Management Dialogue
・Establishing labor conditions that exceed local laws and international standardsOPEN HOUSE Group’s “Human Rights Policy”
Talent Development and Labor Practices—Performance Evaluation Systems and Compensation Plans
・Promoting work-life balanceWork-Style Reforms and Promoting Diversity
Labor Health and Safety・Labor health and safety policyLabor Health and Safety—OPEN HOUSE Group’s Health and Safety Policy
・Labor health and safety promotion systemLabor Health and Safety—Health and Safety System
・Implementing labor health and safety measuresLabor Health and Safety—Initiatives in Labor Health and Safety
・Track record in workplace accidents Health and Safety—Status of occupational accident
・Providing programs to improve health and welfareHealth and Safety—Our Health and Safety System
Health and Safety—Initiatives in Employee Health
Developing and Securing Talent・Providing opportunities for training and skill developmentTalent Development and Labor Practices—Supporting Talent Development and Skill Development
・Implementing employee engagement surveysCompliance—Employee Education
・Human resources dataTalent Development and Labor Practices—Human Resources Data
・Employee skill development indicators (per-capita training hours)
・Initiatives to create and promote employmentTalent Development and Labor Practices—Employment at Business Locations in Japan
Work-Style Reforms and Promoting Diversity—Promoting Women's Empowerment
Work-Style Reforms and Promoting Diversity—Promoting Employment of Persons with Disabilities
Promoting Diversity・Policy for promoting diversityWork-Style Reforms and Promoting Diversity—Promoting Diversity
・Measures to secure and ensure active roles for diverse human resources
・Goals and track record in promoting women's empowermentWork-Style Reforms and Promoting Diversity—Initiatives for Promoting Diversity “Promoting women's empowerment”
Open House Architect’s “Action Plan Based on the Act on the Promotion of Women's Empowerment and Career Advancement in the Workplace” (Japanese version only)
Supply Chain Management and Responsible Procurement・Establishing a CSR procurement policySupply Chain Management—Approach to Supply Chain Management
・ESG- and CSR-related risks in the supply chainSupply Chain Management
・Implementing supplier management and investigations-
・Establishing a hotline for employees of suppliersSupply Chain Management—Consultation and Reporting Hotline
Open House Architect’s “Consultations and Reports from Business Partners” (Japanese version only)
・Using certified materials-
Safety and Social Responsibility in Providing Products and Services・Safety of products and servicesProviding and Ensuring Product Safety and Security, and Promoting Customer Satisfaction
・Providing products that contribute to solving social issuesProducts That Contribute to Solving Social Issues
Promoting Customer Satisfaction ・Initiatives to promote customer satisfactionOPEN HOUSE Group’s “Policy on Provision of Safety and Security and Improvement of Customer Satisfaction”
Providing and Ensuring Product Safety and Security, and Promoting Customer Satisfaction
OPEN HOUSE’s “Customer Service Office” (Japanese version only)
・Establishing a complaint handling system
Information Security・Consumer data and privacy protection policy-
Social Contributions・Creating opportunities for dialogue with regional groupsSocial Contributions
・Making donations and supporting groups
・Participating in activities of regional groups and volunteering
GovernanceCorporate Governance・Independence of the Board of DirectorsCorporate Governance Basic Policy (Japanese version only)
・Ratio of female officers, and promotion of diversity in the Board of DirectorsFY2024 Securities Report (Japanese version only)
・Transparency in the officer nomination process, officer compensation decision process, and auditing systemFY2024 Securities Report (Japanese version only)
・Officer compensationFY2024 Securities Report (Japanese version only)
・Shareholder composition and status of exercising voting rightsFY2024 Securities Report (Japanese version only)
Risk Management・Establishing a risk management systemFY2024 Securities Report (Japanese version only)
・Establishing and implementing a BCP
・TaxationThe OPEN HOUSE Group always complies with national tax laws.
Compliance・Compliance policyCompliance
OPEN HOUSE Group’s Employee Code of Conduct (Japanese version only)
・Compliance promotion systemCompliance
FY2024 Securities Report (Japanese version only)
・Establishing an anonymous hotlineRespecting Human Rights—Consultation and Reporting Hotline
Compliance—Consultation and Reporting Hotline
・Implementing compliance educationCompliance
Preventing Corruption, Bribery, and Anti-Competitive Activities・Policy on the prohibition of bribery and anti-competitive activitiesCompliance
OPEN HOUSE Group’s Employee Code of Conduct (Japanese version only)
・Initiatives to prevent involvement and complicity in bribery and anti-competitive activitiesCompliance
Open House Architect’s “Consultations and Reports from Business Partners” (Japanese version only)
・Lobbying and political contributionsThe OPEN HOUSE Group does not make illegal political contributions or donations.
・Eliminating relationships with antisocial forcesCompliance
FY2024 Securities Report (Japanese version only)
Promoting ESG/CSR・Sustainability policyPromoting Sustainability—Views on Sustainability
・Promotion organizationPromoting Sustainability—Promotion Organization
・External disclosure of ESG- and CSR-related informationPromoting Sustainability
・Referencing sustainability-related standardsPromoting Sustainability—ESG Information Disclosure