Company / Group

Corporate Information

Corporate Profile

Open House Group Co., Ltd.

  • Company name

    Open House Group Co., Ltd.
    * With the transition to a holding company structure from January 2022, company name changed from Open House Co., Ltd.

  • Representative

    Masaaki Arai, President & CEO

  • Founded

    September 1997

  • Location of the Head Office

    JP TOWER 20F・21F, 2-7-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-7020・7021, Japan
    (Reception: 20F) Google Map

  • Paid-in capital

    20,131 million yen

  • Description of business

    Business relating to management of the group companies, etc.

  • Number of employees (consolidated)

    5,828 (as of the end of March 2024)

  • Stock exchange listing

    The Prime Market of Tokyo Stock Exchange
    (Securities Code: 3288)