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We would like OPEN HOUSE to be a company that is always chosen by customers.

Founded in 1997, the Open House Group started as a real estate agency helping customers find their homes in sought-after areas of Tokyo and has continued to grow into a developer with integrated in-house construction and sales systems.

While many companies in the real estate industry are deeply focused on production and manufacturing, we believe that a company can only exist with the support of its customers. This attitude has resulted in strong customer-oriented sales that have become the core competence of Open House and are what continues to be the source of growth for the entire Group.

Procurement of close to work and home residential land for dual-income households, flexible response to soaring land prices and sudden material shortages, the ability to offer affordable construction pricing, meeting needs arising from diversifying work styles, expanding our business to include income-producing real estate, and offering residential financing are some of our unique strengths that have allowed the Open House Group to continue to expand across the Kanto, Osaka, and Nagoya regions. In recent years, amidst the growing awareness of corporate social responsibility, we have been focusing on giving back to local communities, environmental conservation, and sustainable development, as well as providing a diversified working environment that responds to the needs of our young employees.

Founded only 28 years ago, the Open House Group firmly believes in a future in which young energetic companies pursuing growth will be key in wiping out the stagnation of the Japanese economy. We will continue to strive to be a company that both our customers and society want to support.

Open House Group Co.,LTD.

Masaaki Arai, President & CEO