

Respecting Human Rights

Approach to Respecting Human Rights

The OPEN HOUSE Group is keenly aware both of the social responsibility associated with our business activities and of our contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As such, the OPEN HOUSE Group accordingly promotes initiatives through our business activities to address issues involving the environment, society, and governance (ESG).
Meanwhile, the OPEN HOUSE Group provides products and services to our customers through efforts that involve working with numerous stakeholders. Recognizing that the OPEN HOUSE Group's business activities can affect the human rights of various stakeholders, including employees, throughout the entire value chain, we will strive to thoroughly adhere to Respecting Human Rights stance throughout the Group. At the same time, we will clearly convey our Group's policies to the supply chain through the distribution of our basic policies, and strive to respond responsibly to human rights issues in the supply chain.

In addition, we explicitly stipulate respect for human rights in our Employee Code of Conduct, which serves as action guidelines that are to be followed by all employees and officers of the OPEN HOUSE Group.

System to Promote Human Rights

Sustainability Committee, chaired by CFO, is responsible for Initiatives to Respecting Human Rights in our group. We are working with the relevant departments of Group companies to advance our activities.
Important human rights issues are reported to the Board of Directors.
Our Group has clearly stated that we do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, gender orientation, disability, or nationality, and we strive to ensure thorough implementation.
Although these discriminations have not occurred so far, they are checked in daily business inspections to prevent future occurrences.
In addition, we have a system in place for reporting to the Company if discovered through a whistleblower system.
In addition, Open House Group Human Rights Policy sets out the items of "respect for human rights" to ensure that each employee takes action in consideration of human rights.
To respecting fundamental human rights based on the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the laws and regulations of business locations, we also promote management training and other measures to prevent discriminatory conduct, words and actions, sexual harassment, power harassment, and bullying. We also strive to respect the diverse values, individuality, and privacy of individuals.
For children, we expect that all stakeholders will effectively abolish child labor and respect human rights, in support of UNICEF's Children's Rights and Business Principles.

Support for International Initiatives

In January 2022, we announced our support for the “United Nations Global Compact” and became a member company of the “Global Compact Network Japan,” the Japanese local network for the United Nations Global Compact. We support the “Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact” in the four fields of “Human Rights,” “Labour,” “Environment,” and “Anti-Corruption,” contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.

Human rights issues unique to the industry

The OPEN HOUSE Group recognizes that any discrimination or harassment based on birth, nationality, human rights, ethnicity, beliefs, religion, gender, sexual orientation, identity, age, disability, academic background, family, etc. is an issue that affects our corporate activities, and we believe that it is essential to raise awareness of the company as a whole so that we do not do or do not discriminate against it.
To identify human rights issues, we believe it is important to understand them from the perspective of stakeholders who may actually be affected. Accordingly, we engage in ongoing dialogue with related stakeholders.
Recognizing that women account for a small percentage of the real estate industry-specific issues, we have established and operate Promoting Women's Empowerment Group directly under the Human Resources Department to resolve these issues.
In order to resolve these issues, we have established and operate Promoting Women's Empowerment Group under the Human Resources Department.
Promoting Women's Empowerment Group provides various types of support, training, and in-house exchange events, and promotes the creation of an enabling environment for women to continue working.

Employee Education

The OPEN HOUSE Group is strengthening human rights education for employees, recognizing that the risk that human rights issues may arise may also expand as stakeholders expand as a result of business growth.
Compliance training, including the content of the Human Rights Policy and harassment, is held regularly for all employees and managers to deal with issues specific to the industry and topics that suit the current situation, and to incorporate a check on the form of responses, thereby raising awareness of Respecting Human Rights among employees.

Labor-Management Dialogue

Although labor unions have not been formed within the OPEN HOUSE Group, we maintain stable labor-management relations. Furthermore, we engage in labor-management dialogues annually through worker representatives.

Consultation and Reporting Hotline

Based on the Whistleblower Protection Act, the OPEN HOUSE Group has established a compliance hotline for consultations and reports from our employees and business partners. Consultations and reports from both employees of the Group and our business partners are received either by an external hotline supervised by a lawyer who is well versed in our internal reporting system, or by our internal staff members who handle public interest reporting duties.
The compliance hotline is also available as a hotline for consultation and reporting on human rights concerns such as issues related to harassment and the work environment.
When using the counter, confidentiality will be strictly observed, and the user will not be disadvantaged in any way by reporting.

In the event of policy violations

With regard to the content of reports, the OPEN HOUSE Group conduct investigations and respond to them by our Group representatives or third-party specialist organizations, and take corrective and relief measures as necessary.