

Providing and Ensuring Product Safety and Security, and Promoting Customer Satisfaction

Initiatives to promote customer satisfaction

The OPEN HOUSE Group strives for a customer-first approach in operating its business, as cited under its Corporate Philosophy of remaining “committed to pursuing ‘houses that customers want’ honestly and constantly,” and as furthermore stated under its Corporate Principles such that “all decisions are customer-driven.”

System for promoting customer satisfaction

To improve customer satisfaction, the OPEN HOUSE Group has established the Customer Service Office. The Customer Service Office shares customer feedback with relevant departments in a timely and appropriate manner, and then once again aggregates and keeps a record of such content after relevant departments have taken action regarding such feedback. We respond to customer opinions on an individual basis and also subsequently apply such feedback to our business operations. Due to the increasing level of awareness of the OPEN HOUSE Group, the number of opinions received at the Customer Service Office is rising by approximately 20% annually.
In the single-family homes related business, we contacted all customers within one month after sales contract signing and accordingly instructed them to contact the Customer Service Office if they have any concerns in the future. In addition, we conducted a questionnaire survey with all customers who purchased single-family homes from OPEN HOUSE after the homes were delivered. The survey covered the overall service provided by OPEN HOUSE from the time the contracts were concluded to delivery of the homes, and we are utilizing this information to improve and enhance our services.
Management is provided with reports on this customer feedback on a regular basis.
We also carry out awareness-raising activities and various training sessions aimed at improving customer satisfaction for our employees based on such customer feedback at least once a month.

Creating safe and secure products

The Group creates and offers products that are duly equipped with attributes that include earthquake resistance and durability, thereby enabling its customers to live with peace of mind long after having purchased their own homes.
We accordingly engage in various initiatives with safety and security in mind, starting with a ground investigation and ensuring ground strength prior to construction, and extending to earthquake-resistant housing design and after-sales service subsequent to delivery.

The OPEN HOUSE Group’s company Open House Architect makes proposals that comply with the housing performance indication system at customers’ request. The housing performance indication system is designed to allow comparison and consideration of the functions of newly-built homes such as earthquake resistance and energy-saving in advance. The system involves objective evaluations of the home by a third-party institution at the design and construction phases according to common rules.